воскресенье, 29 июля 2018 г.

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Também iniciamos outra conta ao vivo com dinheiro real que foi verificado pelo Midwest Accounting LLC: Smashing Forex Boundaries .. Negociando o Bitcoin automaticamente O FapTurbo 3.0 não só trocará 8 pares de moeda em alta freqüência, mas exploramos novas opções quando se trata de fazer dinheiro e fazer dinheiro Graças a relações estreitas com corretoras, conseguimos obter fluxos comerciais exclusivos para a crypto-moeda mais bem sucedida do mundo. Bitcoin O que é Bitcoin Bitcoin é uma chamada cripto-moeda. Dinheiro virtual que atualmente está se estabelecendo como um instrumento monetário sério. É seguro contra a inflação e hacker. Os dados do BITSTAMP, BTC China BTC-E Bitcoins são cada vez mais utilizados como pagamento de produtos e serviços legítimos, e os comerciantes têm um incentivo para aceitar a moeda porque as taxas de transação são menores do que as 2 a 3 normalmente impostas pelos processadores de cartão de crédito. Os vendedores notáveis ​​incluem o WordPress, OkCupid, Reddit e o gigante chinês da Internet, Baidu. FapTurbo 3.0 Bitcoin Results Grandes lucros de 10 200 Com um capital de 10 000 Conta duplicada Bitcoin também balança em extremo para ambos os lados e. É o terreno propício ideal para os lucros com o FapTurbo 3.0 Infact, durante o teste sozinho, conseguimos multiplicar a nossa capital em 4-5x. Nós conseguimos várias contas de teste com saldos entre 10k e 50.000 USD que dobraram, triplicaram e até quadruplicaram. E a melhor parte que é apenas uma das muitas pernas de lucro do FapTurbo 3.0. Nosso robô Forex pode ser negociado com QUALQUER tamanho de conta. BIG ou SMALL Nós queríamos mostrar a todos que, ao contrário de muitos robôs de Forex de trabalho embutido, o FAP Turbo é REAL agora. Vamos até a parte mais importante de tudo isso. Pelo que o FAP Turbo é 1 e será invicto por muito tempo. Quero toda a sua atenção aqui. Quero dizer, isso é KEY: entender o seguinte irá mostrar-lhe por que o FAP Turbo é o verdadeiro negócio. Por que é uma oportunidade de ouro para os mais inteligentes. Você lembra que eu disse-lhe no início da carta que os resultados do backtest não valem nada. Bem, eles são, então, por que estou prestes a mostrar os resultados de resposta do FAP Turbo Well. E esta é a melhor lição que você aprenderá no comércio de robôs Forex: os resultados do Backtest são inúteis, A MENOS QUE você possa validá-los com o Live Forward Trading. O que isso significa Bem, simples e direto: se você testar um robô e mostra 100 demo Lucro em um mês, deve produzir cerca de 80 a 100 lucros na negociação LIVE. É isso aí. Nada mais e nada menos, então, como o FAP Turbo tocou no backtesting Bem. Para aqueles que são um pouco técnicos, vamos resumir o seguinte: 11 anos Back-test 14,088 Total de negócios 99,66 Vencedores 10,607 NET Profit 0,32 Drawdown Resultados incríveis direito Sim, MUITO impressionante. Mas o que é MAIS impressionante é que os resultados de negociação LIVE são ainda melhores do que os resultados do backtest No backtest, o robô calculou em média cerca de 48 lucros por mês (10.607 divididos por 132 meses, que é de 11 anos). Na negociação ao vivo, que você já viu prova, o FAP Turbo realmente fez, pelo menos, DOUBLE isso. O ciclo está fechado. O ÚNICO robô que você achará que realmente troca de unhas após o comércio em operações comerciais duas vezes tão lucrativo como nos 11 anos de teste de back. Simplesmente não pode melhorar do que esta TRUE Story. FapTurbo é muito lucrativo para negociar corretores de mesa Vários corretores de sombra proibiram o CEO de Scam Brokerage whines Digite seu nome e endereço de e-mail abaixo e receba um relatório completo sobre por que um determinado Forex Broker proibiu o FapTurbo (porque era muito lucrativo) e por que o FapTurbo é AINDA imparável, gerando milhões de dólares. PLUS: Você também receberá nosso Indicador de sinal de comercialização Bitcoin especial para MT4 Completamente GRÁTIS. Estes sinais Bitcoin fazem um retorno médio de 114,38 (dentro de 48 horas do sinal devido ao grande mercado volátil). (Os detalhes serão enviados por email imediatamente). Você provavelmente esperava que eu me apresentasse muito mais cedo na carta. Bem, isso é o que a maioria dos Gurus do Forex fazem. Mas. Para mim, era mais importante primeiro mostrar a você prova de minhas afirmações negativas antes de me apresentar. No final do dia, quem você e o que você é, é baseado no que você pode provar. Falar é barato estes dias, então. Vamos torná-lo formal. Meu nome é Steve Carletti e eu sou um profissional I. T. Programador e desenvolvedor principal do robô Forex mais preciso e lucrativo no mercado de hoje - FAP Turbo. Eu suponho que, como muitas pessoas lá fora, meu sonho como um jovem era sempre fazer grande. Bem, eu suponho que a maioria de nós teve esse sonho quando estávamos bem crianças. As perguntas são quantos de nós realmente cumprimos esse sonho. Em outras palavras, quantas pessoas tiveram coragem e dedicação para ir atrás do que eles queriam. Lamento ser tão ousada, mas a maioria das pessoas é patética. Por que eles vivem em um mundo IF. Somente se eu tivesse feito isso. Somente se aproveitei essa oportunidade. Só se eu tivesse coragem. Só se eu tomar o tempo. Se, se. E se. Se se. Bem, nunca fui uma pessoa do IF e é por isso que eu fiz grande coisa. É por isso que sou rico hoje e a maioria das pessoas que lê esta carta não é. Mais uma vez, peço desculpas por ser tão direto, mas essa é a realidade das coisas e, como você já viu, meu mundo é um mundo baseado na realidade. Ainda me lembro no ensino médio. Enquanto todos os outros estavam ocupados jogando e curtindo jovens, estava tentando descobrir uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro. Eu tentei todas as oportunidades lá fora. Eu realmente me juntei a pelo menos 7 programas MLM. Claro que eles não trabalharam. Mas você sabe o que realmente atino meu sucesso na vida para eles e para qualquer outra oportunidade que tentei. Bem, não realmente Tentar coisas que não funcionaram realmente me empurrou cada vez mais para descobrir o que funciona. Isso me deu mais entusiasmo e impulso para descobrir uma maneira de ganhar grande dinheiro. Mas também aprendi uma outra lição. Um muito importante, e eu quero que você ouça muito de perto aqui: O grande dinheiro não é feito trabalhando duro, mas trabalhando INTELIGENTE eu sei. sim. Isso contradiz tudo o que a maioria das pessoas tem treinado para pensar: trabalhe duro e você alcançará seus objetivos na vida. Bem. Permitam-me perguntar-lhe quantas pessoas você sabe que trabalham durante todo o mês 12-14 horas por dia e mal trazem para casa um salário de 3.000 Agora, quantas pessoas você sabe que trazem: sem trabalhar em tudo. 100 no piloto automático. Com absolutamente nenhuma intervenção humana. Bem, isso não é preciso. Você me conhece agora :-) Então, bottom line. Não há nada de errado em trabalhar duro. Meu pai realmente trabalhou mais de 15 horas por dia há mais de 30 anos e eu respeito isso. Ele fez tudo o que podia fazer para sustentar a família. Mas a enorme diferença entre meu pai e você e eu é que ele não tinha outra opção. Se ele tivesse uma maneira de trazer esses salários para casa sem trabalhar tão duro, eu posso GARANTIR que ele teria deixado o seu dia de trabalho e gostou da vida como deveria ser apreciado Sim. Essa foi a resposta de TODOS ao meu redor depois que eles viram a vida que eu estava liderando. A vida FAP Turbo me deu Quem teria pensado há 10 anos que um dia esta será minha vida e de muitos outros negociando o robô FAP Turbo Hoje, eu vivo o sonho que a maioria das pessoas tem. Rake em dezenas de milhares de dólares enquanto descansa, joga, está de férias, assiste T. V. É incrível como os tempos mudam. E é incrível como uma grande descoberta pode mudar toda uma vida. Mas as pessoas sempre quiseram saber mais. Eles queriam saber por que é possível ganhar tanto dinheiro sem fazer nada negociando Forex. Bem, não posso culpá-lo Forex não é algo que você ouça com frequência. Na verdade, parece um pouco assustador quando você ouve o termo pela primeira vez. As vantagens do trading Forex são óbvias: Low Startup Você pode começar com como BAIXA como 50 Grandes Mercado 3 TRILLION negociado em todo o mundo todos os dias (Na verdade, o mercado Forex é Maior do que todos os mercados mundiais de ações, títulos e futuros combinados) 245 Ação sem parar, 24 horas por dia 5 dias por semana (de segunda a sexta-feira) Volátil O mercado mais volátil do mundo. O que isso significa HUGE oportunidade a cada momento do dia Baixo Custo Enquanto com negociação de ações, futuros e opções que você paga espalhar mais comissão, com o Forex seu único custo de comércio é distribuído (isso pode ser igual a ALOT) Sem diferença Ao contrário de outros mercados , É IMPOSSÍVEL encurralar o mercado Forex. E, não importa quantas pessoas troquem com o mesmo robô, sua eficiência e rentabilidade permanecerão intactas (HUGE plus) Up amp Down Lucro de preços crescentes e decrescentes. Você não se importa com o caminho do mercado. Ohhh. E, ao contrário do mercado de ações dos EUA, você não precisa esperar por um up-tick para curto-circuito, sem tamanho Limitar o comércio como grande ou tão pequeno quanto você quiser. Isso é algo que SOMENTE o mercado Forex permite. Você precisa ficar cego para não ver o incrível potencial. E a verdade seja dita, meu verdadeiro sucesso como comerciante de Forex e designer de robôs só veio depois de eu entender completamente o significado desses elementos. Eu sabia que tem que ser uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro com essa oportunidade incrível e grande tempo. Eu também sabia que não seria capaz de fazê-lo sozinho. No final do dia, a idéia de produzir o melhor robô Forex é um grande desafio. Você sempre deve conhecer seus pontos fortes. Meus pontos fortes são organização, tecnologia da informação, persistência, impulso e ambição. Mas. Nunca fui bom com números complexos e com programação avançada O que você faz quando você tem uma ótima idéia, mas não todas as qualificações para tornar isso realidade Você trabalha com O MELHOR DO MELHOR nesses campos específicos, você não é o melhor Mike e Ulrich é o melhor dos melhores que eu realmente conheci Mike e Ulrich enquanto estava na universidade. Ambos eram os geeks típicos que você acharia estudando e apresentando novas teorias, enquanto a maioria das outras pessoas estavam festejando. Nós conseguimos muito bem e nos tornamos amigos muito bons desde então (embora, devo admitir que eles me aborreceram às vezes com suas teorias complexas E idéias). De qualquer forma, Mike sendo um verdadeiro gênio com números complexos e Ulrich sendo um pequeno Einstein com programação de fonte aberta Eu imediatamente vi o potencial de que eles eram exatamente o que eu precisava tirar minha idéia de apenas e a idéia para um dinheiro lucrativo tirando a realidade. AMARAMOS a idéia de Produzindo um robô Forex nunca visto antes. Suponho que se adapte à nossa personalidade fazer algo comerciantes, bancos, gerentes de fundos, etc., como impossível E, portanto, o maior projeto de Forex deste século começou As rodas estavam em movimento FAP Turbo estava prestes a nascer. Nós conseguimos um controle de todos os robôs Forex no mercado. Cada estratégia e método de Forex disponíveis. Toda ideia ou ideia que pudemos encontrar. Nós lemos mais de 20 livros de design estratégico entre nós 3 e subscrevemos todos os serviços de publicações Forex disponíveis. Isso é tão grave que tomamos o projeto FAP Turbo. Você adivinhou direito. 99 do que vimos, testado e estudado foi CRAP Bem, obviamente. Se não fosse, eu suponho que outros já encontrariam um super-Forex, certo. Mas. E essa é uma lição que aprendi muito bem desse projeto. Mesmo em informações de merda, há valor. Você pode realmente entender por que é uma porcaria e criar idéias para melhorar. Mas você sabe qual foi a parte mais frustrante. Mesmo os bons robôs de Forex, nós tentamos trabalhar bem, SOMENTE, em Backtests, uma vez que vivemos os negociados. Nós realmente perdemos nossas calças. Sim. Perdemos muito dinheiro no processo de teste. Mas essa era a única maneira de realmente saber o que funciona e o que não faz. Era a única maneira de entender por que tantos robôs de Forex estavam falhando em entregar os bens na negociação Real LIVE. Você conhece esse estágio onde você está pronto para desistir Onde tudo parece uma perda de tempo. Nada parece funcionar. Você realmente não consegue ver a luz no final do túnel. Bem. Devo admitir. Nós estávamos bastante perto disso. Mas o nosso trabalho compensou uma vez que tropeçamos em Marcus B Leary e seu Forex AutoPilot Robot (forexautopilot). EU AMO esse sentimento de alívio. Aquela respiração profunda que vem com FINALMENTE. Finalmente, algo que parece funcionar e fazer sentido Forexautopilot é uma EA que está constantemente sendo atualizada por seu criador, Marcus B. Leary, que ele mesmo é pioneiro na programação de consultores especializados. Ficamos bastante impressionados com o seu trabalho, já que este robô conseguiu rake em ganhos muito agradáveis ​​- consistentemente. O risco de negociação é grande, especialmente para somas maiores. A fórmula tudo ou nada é nada para estômagos fracos. Eu liguei seu apoio e me apresentei e o que eu estava fazendo com Mike e Ulrich. Depois de um pouco de ida e volta com a equipe de apoio, consegui falar FINALMENTE com o próprio homem. Nós atingimos muito bem, eu não diria que Marcus é o perfil médio dos geek. Mas você definitivamente pode confundi-lo com o fato de que ele é o tipo de pessoa que conversará com inspiração e muito conhecimento. Se você fala com Marcus, você deve saber do que está falando. Se não, ele ficará bastante entediado em breve. De qualquer forma, acabamos conversando por mais de 3 semanas. Trocando idéias. Construindo um relacionamento sólido. Ao longo de nossas conversas, continuei insistindo que Mike, Ulrich e Me podem realmente levar seu robô Forex e torná-lo 10 vezes melhor (um pouco ousado, eu sei). É seguro dizer que, se fosse outra pessoa com a qual falei, teria sido expulso. Mas não com Marcus That my friend. Marcuss respondeu à minha constante alegria de que podemos melhorar o seu robô Forex além da crença. Que podemos deixá-lo na poeira por assim dizer. Claro, houve algumas condições: assine um acordo de não divulgação. Dê uma olhada no código-fonte oculto do Forexautopilot e veja se você pode melhorá-lo. Se você puder fazer melhor, você pode ter a nova versão para si mesmo. Faça com isso o que quiser, estou certo de que, quando Marcus disse o acima, ele estava com total descrença de que realmente podemos deixar seu Robot no pó. Bem. Surpresa surpresa 9 semanas depois. Inúmeras horas de absolutamente nenhum sono. Todo o nosso conhecimento. Todas as nossas habilidades combinadas de programação, matemática e análise. Viver, comer e respirar Forex. FAP Turbo FINALMENTE nasceu Despedimos o FAP Turbo por um teste de volta de 2 anos. Apenas para testar as águas. Ulrich quase caiu da cadeira. E eu, alguém que é bastante difícil de surpreender, estava com total descrença. Não estou brincando como um dos melhores momentos da minha vida (e estou certo de Mikes e Ulrichs lifes). Mas. Não importa o que os traders assim chamados lhe digam, um teste de volta de 2 anos não é suficiente. Não quase. Então, fomos para os 9 jardas inteiras. Famosamos o FAP Turbo por um teste de volta de 10 anos. Bem. Você já os viu antes, mas apenas recapitulamos: 14.088 Total de negócios 99.66 Vencedores 10.607 NET Profit 0.32 Drawdown Impressionante. Nunca foi alcançado antes e estou com sério. Nós testámos inúmeros robôs Forex. NUNCA vimos resultados próximos mesmo desses. Mas agora o desafio REAL estava prestes a acontecer. O teste de back-back não foi suficientemente OBJECTIVO. Sim, resultados inacreditáveis, mas. como todos sabemos. São apenas resultados anteriores. Backtests são apenas a base de um robô Forex. o início. Basta pensar nisso por um momento. Por que você acha que muitas pessoas lá vendem robôs Forex baseados apenas em backtests. Porque eles não trabalham em negociações ao vivo Compreenda isso e você estará anos luz à frente de todos, eu absolutamente garanto isso. Já era hora de disparar o FAP Turbo com uma conta ao vivo. Tempo para colocar o nosso dinheiro onde a nossa boca estava. Era hora de provar para Marcus, todos os outros comerciantes de Forex lá fora e para o mundo inteiro que finalmente fizemos, isso - quebramos o Código. Que fizemos o que nenhuma pessoa pensou ser possível: um robô de Forex que na negociação ao vivo duplica QUALQUER conta como clockworks 500 Transformando em 1,100- em 2 meses curtos 2,500 em 8,700 - em 45 dias 5,100 se transformando em 25,100 - em 30 dias (se você Não vi as declarações LIVE destas contas, role a página) O trabalho foi feito. Meses e meses de trabalho duro finalmente acabaram. E pagou grande tempo, agora podemos dizer finalmente. Mas mais importante - PROVE: FAP Turbo NOT Only Backtests To The Tune Of 10.607 Lucro Em 11 Anos (Ou 48 Por Mês). Na verdade, entregou os lucros na negociação ao vivo para nós. Nossa afirmação ousada de que produziremos o melhor robô Forex na existência era agora uma realidade que PRODUZAMOS o melhor robô Forex na existência sem fluff. Não B. S. Sem hype. Nenhum comércio escolhido à mão. Não confiar em backtesting. . Mas PURE cold hard cash em uma verdadeira conta AO VIVO Nós realmente lançamos o Robot para um grupo seleto de pessoas. Queríamos ter certeza de que não é apenas os EUA que pensam que a FAP Turbo é a máquina de fazer dinheiro mais fácil de usar. Nós queríamos pessoas normais, pessoas sem experiência (pessoas como muitos daqueles que lêem esta carta agora) e sem conhecimento de Forex para testar o Robot e nossas reivindicações Veja o que as pessoas dizem sobre o FapTurbo: Anthony, comerciante profissional e desenvolvedor, criador de forexealab. Veja O que Anthony está falando sobre o FapTurbo. Eu tenho negociado por 5 anos e até mesmo desenvolvi vários sistemas de forex bem sucedidos com meu amigo Ronald. Mais tarde, decidimos abrir nosso próprio site de testes chamado forexealab, onde testamos robôs diferentes no mercado e achamos o melhor para nossos clientes. Devo dizer que fiquei realmente impressionado com a performance do fapturbo. Sim, o comércio de Forex automatizado é possível E VOCÊ pode fazê-lo também. Como você está lendo esta carta, o robô está realmente produzindo para nós e muitos outros potenciais reais da FAP Turbo. Foi desde que desencadeámo-lo em nossas contas ao vivo e continua a pregar o comércio após o comércio de forma lucrativa, precisa e mais importante. MÃO LIVRE Você viu os resultados. Você testemunhou o quão fácil é fazer dinheiro negociando Forex SEM saber nada sobre Forex E isso é muito importante, então, preste muita atenção. O FAP Turbo instala-se sozinho. Você nem precisa fazer isso. Aqui está o assunto. Estamos conscientes do fato de que muitas pessoas não são muito boas amigas com a tecnologia. Daí, nós realmente tomamos o tempo e produzimos o mais fácil de instalar o robô que você encontrará. Você vai se surpreender quando você ver como é fácil e rápido começar e correr. Estamos dando a um grupo seleto de pessoas a oportunidade de viver o sonho que TODOS os comerciantes do mundo tem: negociar com um robô automático que duplica dinheiro Todos os meses, o FAP Turbo não é apenas um ótimo produto comercial, é uma solução de renda completa. Os maiores problemas que as pessoas têm ao procurar uma solução de renda são que eles não têm a quantidade necessária de tempo e dinheiro para investir para alcançar o sucesso (ou encontrar algo que realmente FUNCIONA). Preste muita atenção: não há outra oportunidade de renda neste planeta que: Mike, Ulrich, eu e muitos outros proprietários da FAP Turbo vivamos o sonho de dinheiro automático. Tempo livre para fazer o que queremos. Pilhas de dinheiro para comprar o que queremos. Férias QUANDO queremos em vez de quando podemos. Vivendo uma preocupação livre. Livre de dividas. A vida de luxo é uma realidade Ninguém deve passar É realmente não muitas vezes uma grande oportunidade se apresenta. Na verdade, posso contar com uma mão quantas oportunidades boas surgiram na vida. Quantos você pode contar E daqueles que você pode contar. Quantos você intensificou o prato e provou a si mesmo que você está fazendo algo para tornar a sua vida e a daqueles em torno de você. MELHOR: dar um passo em direção a um futuro lucrativo e seguro é a diferença entre dizer que gostaria de ter tomado isso degrau. E fico feliz por ter dado esse passo. Isso é tudo sobre a vida. Isso é o que isso resume e você sabe. Muitas pessoas estão agora pensando em si mesmas. O Forex tem a ver com financiamento. Como o mundo está em crise financeira, o Robot realmente funcionará bem. Pergunte a qualquer desenvolvedor de robôs Forex a mesma pergunta e você receberá a mesma resposta. Claro que isso funcionará. E dê-lhe de novo B. S. Argumentos de por que deveria funcionar. NÃO EUA. Na verdade, não nos importa em fornecer-lhe alguns argumentos inventados. Nós dizemos. Sim, a FAP Turbo funciona em todas as condições do mercado com a mesma rentabilidade e precisão. E em vez de argumentos de por que deveria funcionar. Nós mostramos a PROVA concreta que funciona: é claro que o FAP Turbo deixa cada um dos robôs Forex pendurados por assim dizer e é mais do que os resultados VIVOS que você viu. É o mecanismo real e as características especiais do robô que o tornam tão único. Mãos para baixo. A FAP Turbo é a melhor e mais completa solução de renda para as pessoas que: Quer trocar com o mais preciso e lucrativo robô Forex no mundo 99 vencedores. Não posso monitorar o mercado Forex por causa de um trabalho diário, compromissos, etc. e quer um software automático para fazer isso por eles. Quer trocar Forex de forma lucrativa, mas não sabe como (sem necessidade de saber, o robô faz tudo por você. De A a Z) Quer uma fonte de renda secundária ou primária que seja consistente. Quer estar entre os 1 dos comerciantes de forex que cultivam sua conta comercial como cogumelos selvagens. Quer sair da rotina chata e frustrante do trabalho árduo e sem dinheiro (mas com frequência muita dívida) Quer começar a ganhar dinheiro hoje, nao a 2 meses da TRUE Story. FapTurbo é muito lucrativo para negociar corretores de mesa Vários corretores de sombra proibiram o CEO de Scam Brokerage whines Digite seu nome e endereço de e-mail abaixo e receba um relatório completo sobre por que um determinado Forex Broker proibiu o FapTurbo (porque era muito lucrativo) e por que o FapTurbo é AINDA imparável, gerando milhões de dólares. PLUS: Você também receberá nosso Indicador de sinal de comercialização Bitcoin especial para MT4 Completamente GRÁTIS. Estes sinais Bitcoin fazem um retorno médio de 114,38 (dentro de 48 horas do sinal devido ao grande mercado volátil). (Os detalhes serão enviados por email imediatamente). Nada para configurar ou configurar o FapTurbo 3 Vem totalmente pré-instalado na sua solução MyFxChoice e Tallinex MT4 Plug amp play. Real no-brainer Para outros corretores, você receberá um instalador fácil. É ESTA CHAVE: FapTurbo sempre atualizado vendeu mais de 85.000 cópias agora tornando-o o melhor robô de vendas em todo o mundo e estava sujeito a várias atualizações para manter seu desempenho. Os competidores vieram e foram porque estavam logo após o rápido enxertar a cena do forex com uma merda inútil e não pisca ou pior do que eu chamo de "get-your-hopes-up-for-a-week-then-blow-your-account - Martingale-trading-sceme-crap. O que você recebe conosco é um SERVIÇO DE VIDA. Nós nos tornamos tão populares no forex por um motivo. Porque continuamos desenvolvendo e continuamos garantindo a máxima rentabilidade para nós e nossa comunidade. Digite seu E-mail: simplesmente compre uma licença e instale-a na conta demo. É explicado no GUIA e nos tutoriais em vídeo. Oi, sou da Bulgária e uso o Fapturbo em uma conta real a partir de 2 semanas após um mês de demonstração, acho que funciona bem, mas na última segunda-feira eu não sabia que havia um feriado nos EUA e eu percebi algumas perdidas. Os resultados totais são ganhos de 900 a 940 para este 2 semanas. Porque minha conta é pequena, eu decidi escolher 2 max tres pares para trocar. Eu importei os negócios apresentados no site para se destacar e calcular quais são os melhores pares de desempenho no último ano, quarto e mês, e eu decidi trocar gbpchf, eurchf e eurgbp. Eu acho que o mercado é muito dinâmico e é útil para mim periodicamente analisar os pares de melhor desempenho e mudar a estratégia. Como um buraco, estou impressionado com o sistema e acho que é muito bom. Parabéns para os inventores e espero que haja atualizações periódicas em relação às condições de mercado em mudança. Sinceramente, V. B. Olá. Como este FAPturbo será fornecido, eu apenas o compro. Faça o download via internet ou será postado para mim. Se via o Serviço Postal. Que empresa postal você usará. USPS. Ele vem com um número de rastreamento. Outra coisa. Recebo a última versão. INVERNO 2018 ou o que é o mais recente. Por favor me responda aqui e para o meu email. Estou interessado em comprar isso com urgência. Obrigado Fapturbo é entregue imediatamente após a compra na área do membro. Não é necessário enviar. Sim, você terá a versão mais recente. Preciso arriscar dinheiro se o FAP Turbo funcionar exatamente como você mostrou Não Primeiro, você terá 2 meses inteiros para testar o robô e, se ele não atender às SUAS expectativas - devolva-o por um total sem perguntas pedidas reembolso incondicional Além disso, Uma das melhores características associadas ao FAP Turbo é que você pode trocar uma conta demo até sentir-se confortável em sua vida (você pode abrir uma conta de demonstração com qualquer corretor gratuitamente e durante o tempo que quiser). Esta é verdadeiramente uma oportunidade sem risco. Howdy Eu não sei a quem agradecer pelo FapTurbo, mas é totalmente incrível Este é o sistema de negociação forex mais incrível, eu já vi Você ajudou muitas pessoas financeiramente com este programa. Então OBRIGADO UM MILHÃO. Grato seu. John J. Moore All The Best Mike Hollow diz: Obrigado O robô parece estar chutando, mas. Em uma conta de demonstração de 5000 já fez 754 em apenas 2 dias. Achei que você gostaria de saber. 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Olá ... vários comentários positivos. Nossa taxa de ataque de 96. É um erro. Parece bom demais para ser verdade. só o tempo irá dizer. Vejo que eu compro o sistema. Ontem, todos os 3 negócios foram realmente lucrativos. Eu gerenciei o Robot em demonstração de contas de três corretores diferentes, todos com excelentes negócios, como shows de caras nesta página, com limite semelhante, lucros, etc. P. D: desculpe meu nível de inglês. Eu falo você da Espanha Steve, Mike e Ulrich. Você é o melhor do melhor, eu sou novo nisso. Recebi o robô ontem. Quais são as diferenças entre FAPTURBO Short Term e Long Term Strategy FAPTURBO é uma poderosa combinação de 2 estratégias: Estratégia Scalping de curto prazo e estratégia FAP avançada de longo prazo. Ambas as estratégias são construídas dentro de um consultor especializado da FAPTURBO e podem ser ligadas e desligadas facilmente usando o parâmetro UseScalperStrategy nas configurações da FAPTURBO. Cada estratégia usa seus próprios cronogramas e moedas projetados, então certifique-se de usar a estratégia em par de moedas e prazos adequados. Você encontrará detalhes completos sobre cada estratégia e seus parâmetros no GUIA FAPTURBO e Tutoriais de vídeo Frederick D diz: Eu não tenho um cartão de crédito, então posso ligar-lhe o valor de US149.00, se assim for, por favor me avise o Instruções de alimentação. Tenho sede em Omã (Oriente Médio) Cumprimentos, Frederick Dsouza Contato de suporte, por favor. O teste real é executá-lo em minha própria conta real, que acabei de fazer. Espero que fique tão entusiasmado no tempo de 6 meses como estou agora. Obviamente, esses caras fizeram um excelente reserch e backtesting. Qual prazo e moeda devo escolher FAPTURBO tem 2 estratégias integradas. Cada estratégia é projetada para seus próprios pares de moeda. Por exemplo, a estratégia de longo prazo funciona apenas no EURUSD M1. A estratégia de curta duração do scalping funciona em 4 pares: EURGBP, GBPCHF, EURCHF USDCAD, M15 Prazo. Eu sou iniciante no forex. Já tentei 6 EAs, mas o Fapturbo forec EA é o melhor. Comprei-o em 23 de dezembro e há 149 USD na minha conta de demonstração no corretor IamFX como suporte oferecido. Escolhi 100 000 USD de depósito 1: 200 de alavancagem e 1,0 tamanho de lote. Havia 5 trocas e todos os negócios foram bem sucedidos. Espero que seja tão bom na conta real como a conta demo. Obrigado Sandor É difícil aprender e implementar seu sistema comercial Não A maioria das pessoas que compram o pacote FAPTURBO começa a negociar dentro de minutos da instalação. Nós fornecemos instruções detalhadas e Tutoriais de vídeo legais Posso ajustar parâmetros do consultor FAPTURBO Claro. Você pode alterar a perda de parada, tirar proveito e vários outros filtros de parâmetros, dependendo especificamente de suas necessidades. Todos eles são descritos no GUIA FAPTURBO. Fora de todos os golpes, o fapturbo eo robô GPS são os únicos 2 que funcionam no live acc. Mike, você pode encontrar testemunhos aqui: fapturbo3testimonials Erik Anderson diz: comprei o FAP Turbo na semana passada e configurei-o na minha conta já executada no MetaTrader. Os resultados são incríveis e não posso ser mais feliz. Mesmo com uma configuração de risco conservador de 4, ele ainda gera perto de 300 dias. Já dois dos meus familiares e 4 amigos também fizeram a compra com base na minha recomendação. Obrigado por liberar um produto tão excelente que funciona como anunciado. Estou tão animado para ver a conta crescendo diariamente e continuarei divulgando a boa palavra sobre seu robô FAP Turbo Charlie de San Diego diz: FAPTURBO realmente mudou minha vida, me fazendo dinheiro no piloto automático. Ele triplicou minha conta em 3 semanas, o Robot está sempre atualizado com condições de mercado louco. É uma arma de visão laser nas mãos do comerciante de forex Obrigado Steve, Mike e Uli. E todo o suporte fapturbo. Disclaimer: No interesse da divulgação completa, não podemos dizer que esses resultados são representativos de todos os usuários. Simplesmente compartilhamos os resultados que adquirimos pessoalmente em nossas contas ao vivo durante a negociação forex. Nossos resultados não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Não sugerimos que esses resultados possam ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Os desempenhos passados ​​não indicam necessariamente resultados futuros. Algumas das contas apresentadas nesta página são contas de demonstração de simulação e backtests para fins de demonstração. Eles dão uma impressão sobre como o robô pode funcionar e trocar, mas eles não indicam necessariamente resultados futuros. Aviso: Salvo indicação em contrário, não temos conexão com a pessoa que dá os depoimentos. Onde nós temos uma conexão material com a pessoa, nós indicaremos claramente a conexão. Os depoimentos não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Ator que retrata comprador real. Os betatesters utilizados neste vídeo receberam uma cópia de revisão do produto e um resultado tem uma conexão material com o nosso site, o que pode influenciar sua opinião. No interesse da divulgação completa, não podemos dizer que esses resultados são representativos de todos os usuários. Nós simplesmente compartilhamos os resultados com nossos betatersters que foram alcançados durante a negociação forex. Os resultados não são indicativos de desempenho futuro ou sucesso. As pessoas que enviam testemunho tendem a ser felizes com o produto no momento em que enviaram o depoimento, mas sua experiência pode mudar ao longo do tempo. Não sugerimos que esses resultados possam ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Os desempenhos passados ​​não indicam necessariamente resultados futuros Descargo de responsabilidade: No interesse da divulgação completa, não podemos dizer que esses resultados são representativos de todos os usuários. Nós simplesmente compartilhamos os resultados que adquirimos pessoalmente em nossas contas durante a nossa negociação forex. Nossos resultados não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Não sugerimos que esses resultados possam ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Os desempenhos passados ​​não indicam necessariamente resultados futuros Descargo de responsabilidade: os desenvolvedores fapturbo são pessoas reais e não atores. A imagem está desfocada pelo motivo de privacidade. FTC Aviso de responsabilidade exigido: Salvo indicação em contrário, não temos conexão com a pessoa que dá os depoimentos. Onde nós temos uma conexão material com a pessoa, nós indicaremos claramente a conexão. Os depoimentos não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Os betatesters utilizados nos depoimentos de vídeos receberam uma cópia de revisão do produto e um resultado tem uma conexão material com o nosso site, o que pode influenciar a opinião deles. No interesse da divulgação completa, não podemos dizer que esses resultados são representativos de todos os usuários. Nós simplesmente compartilhamos os resultados com nossos betatersters que foram alcançados durante a negociação forex. Os resultados não são indicativos de desempenho futuro ou sucesso. All 5 video tesimonials shown on this page are REAL verifiable people and not actors. Disclaimer: This is the robot backtest for the period of bank crisis. This is shown for the demonstration purpose. No real trading was performed during that time.2017: Fires of Inspiration Event Dates: May 5-7, 2017 The Steampunk World8217s Fair is the world8217s largest Steampunk event Join us to meet internationally-acclaimed Steampunk author Gail Carriger see one of the world8217s most beloved Steampunk Bands, Emperor Norton8217s Stationary Marching Band and for literally hundreds of hours of vendors, programming, shows, entertainment, and things to see, hear, do, and experience Want to find out about our other adventures Check out the Jeff Mach Events website . Love Faeries and Fantasy Check out our Glimmerdark event Some rooms are likely to open up closer to SPWF, so keep checking back. An official overerflow hotel is available. We are actively looking for more official overflow hotels. Glimmerdark: A peculiar fairy festival for peculiar people February 3-5, 2017 Hyatt Regency, Princeton, New Jersey Don8217t miss out Ticket prices increase on December 10. Find out more at Glimmerdark With Glimmerdark coming up, I8217ve gotten more people asking me this question: 8220How do you run a good event8221 It8217s an excellent question running events is hard, and whether you run them or attend them, you might enjoy a bit of a glimpse at how it8217s all made, at least for me. Speaking for myself, when running events, I have six rules 8211 and I8217ll share them with you. 1. Die . Die every time you realize you8217ve made a mistake you could have prevented. Die every time someone is sad and the event hasn8217t cheered them up. Die every time you ask more of a member of your team than you rightly should. 2. Be reborn. Every time someone says they8217re having the weekend of their life, every time someone says they8217ve found new parts of themselves, every time someone comes to say, 8220I met someone at your event two years ago 8211 and now we8217re getting married8221 3. Care . Every mistake matters. Every problem matters. Every piece of feedback matters. Every good thing and every bad thing matters. 4. Have perspective. Because everything matters 8211 but the event as a whole matters more than any individual mistake, criticism, or praises. 5. If your mind and body permit, work your ass off . Not simply to be a workaholic. And not because a well-run event needs you to kill yourself to make it go 8211 in fact, a well-run event shouldn8217t need that at all. But you work your ass off for this: An event should be a total sensory experience for everyone there . That means you, too. And since you already know what8217s going to happen, and don8217t have the luxury of being just a participant, be the next best thing: throw your mind, body, and soul into what you do. 6. Practice joy . This is the newest one for me. I used to believe that my job was to create joy in others . but to push myself too hard to enjoy anything. I thought that made a good event 8211 and you know what When I was inexperienced and events were full of chaos, it was needed. But now that my events run well, it8217s not needed. I need, instead, to project through myself want I want to see in everyone: that glorious feeling of running amok with a thousands of your closest family, your chosen family, your kin. I am the luckiest man in the world, and I have the best job in the Universe. I thank you all. And I love you all. There are a lot of deeply important things to reclaim. There are words, names, and ideas which have been taken from us and used against us. There are freedoms to reclaim. There are great causes to reclaim. Mine is not one. But though my cause is really damn silly, it8217s also as icy serious as a falling glacier. My name is Jeff Mach, and I am a servant of Joy, and that is nothing insignificant. I don8217t care much if I matter or not, but Joy is a part of our heritage, and frankly, it was often taken from us. Others have been denied the right to live at all, and that has more weight than I can measure. But we, the strange ones, the unusual people, the ones who give part of ourselves over to places outside the ordinary 8211 have spent our childhoods, even our adulthoods, being told that we were outside of the company of our fellow humans. I8217ll talk about that a bit more in a moment. One of our greatest responses, to my mind Conventions. (Or, in my case, festivals and faires.) Whatever you want to call them 8211 gatherings. Places where we could be what we wanted to be. Places where, for a little while, a piece of the world belonged, not to the people who tried to knock us down, but to ourselves. I brought ballpits to kink events I may have been the first to do it if I wasn8217t, we seem to have been the first to have writ it large and shouted it from the rooftops 8211 and said that ballpits weren8217t for kids, and weren8217t even just for the Littles among us: They were for us. Randall Monroe gave us an inspiration and a rallying cry: 8220Because we8217re grownups now, and it8217s our turn to decide what that means8221 . There was an event called Dashcon you can Google it, if you8217d like I don8217t feel any taboos about speaking ill of it through malice or ignorance or inexperience, they caused a lot of harm. I invoke Gray8217s Law: 8220Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.8221 Assuming they weren8217t malicious, it8217s pretty clear that they let themselves get caught in a cycle unfair to all those around them: 8220If we commit to a huge space and huge guests and entertainment, then everyone will buy tickets based on it, and we8217ll be able to pay for those things8221. To take an analogy from outside of the event world 8211 imagine someone who8217d been commissioned to make your wedding cake, and promised you something amazing at a certain price, because they were sure that news of the wedding cake would spread enough to bring in the business volume to make your cake profitable. And when that didn8217t happen, they left you with half a cake, and said they8217d give you some money back8230at some point8230later. (I8217ll leave out the part where they solicited 17,000 in unspecified funds during the event it8217s a big part of that story, but a small part of this one. The DashCon organizers apparently rented a ballpit. As often happens in the event world 8211 to me as much as to anyone 8211 sometimes you have something on a list, you find a solution to it, and you don8217t think about it. Maybe you should. But it8217s an occupational hazard there are a lot of details to take care of. DashCon8230. DashCon rented a thoroughly unsuitable ballpit for what they8217d promised, and then had the amazing audacity to offer, as part of a package of items being offered instead of refunds, 8220an extra hour in the ballpit8221. Given a ballpit that was not only awful and undersized, but which could fit, to my expert eye, about one zillionth of their ticketbuyers at a given time, this has become a bit of a recognizable meme. fusion. netmodernlifestorydashcon-tumblr - is not simply a good article about it 8211 it 8217s got an excellent picture of that ballpit, in perspective, in the great grey loveless spaces which are convention centers. (If you rent a convention center, you either need to work with the fact that the space has no soul, or you need to work to infuse soul into it.) Let me get very, very candid for a moment here. I speak of serving Joy I8217d be lying if I didn8217t say that a lot of how I serve it is by asking people to take money out of their pockets and give it to me, in exchange for my building them an event. I don8217t want to speak as if I view myself as having a holy calling, which I do out of pure altruism. I create events for many reasons 8211 because I love them because I love what they can do because I love their abilities to create times and spaces which are transformative, simultaneously infinitely freeing and infinitely grounding. And absolutely because, if the work comes together well, I get a paycheck. (Well, not a paycheck 8211 but if the events do well, I have money.) Let me not lie and say that I don8217t love to sell tickets that I don8217t love trying to reach more and more people who8217ll come out and spend money on our events. But there8217s a simple self-limiting factor behind it, as all event-promoters know: If we don8217t keep working hard, if we don8217t genuinely try to make this year8217s experience wonderful, then we8217ll have money for now 8211 but next year, we8217ll have nothing, and deserve it. I love creating events. I work very hard to make money on those events, and to try to make sure people feel their money has been well-spent. I am obsessed with how to create better and better Playgrounds. But I Serve, I serve . with the part of me that believes in some kind of religion and spirit, and with the part of me that believes only in how human beings relate to each other 8211 with both parts of what make me myself, I. Serve. Joy. I serve it for all of the tribes which have taken me in 8211 the kink world, the geek world, the Faire world, those mad Steampunks. We have not, in terms of those tribes, had the hardest lives of people here 8211 we8217ve not had, say, the struggles for civil rights, for basic human rights, which define so many people on Fetlife. But we8217re all people who were told that we weren8217t allowed joy . We Geeks were told we8217d never find love, much less companionship. Kinksters have been fought on every civil and social level there is, simply to be allowed to be who and what they are. The Faire world, underneath it gaiety, is decades of sweat and dedication by people who made it their lives, when they could have lived more profitable, more secure, more financially and socially easy lives. And Steampunks are creatures of absurdity and creation they exist because they dare to take the ridiculous and use it as a jump-off point for imagination writ large there are a hell of a lot of people who don8217t want won8217t understand how much that means. (See, say, Steampunk on Shipping Wars8217. (I don8217t mind that they made me look like a jerk that8217s reality TV. I mind that they called us nerds, and meant it to bring us down. I don8217t accept that. 8220When you call me Nerd8217, buddy, you better smile.8221) There8217s nothing physically extraordinary about a ballpit they8217re surprisingly challenge to put together, assemble, and house well in any temporary space, like a hotel (or, indeed, a convention center). But it8217s not a unique achievement. I don8217t expect us to be the only kink event to have a ballpit. But I8217ll tell you this. We will have that ballpit. Some people suggested we take it away for a while, given all that it8217s symbolized for DashCon. But no boiling, frothing, melting brimstone and hellfire no . We are the strange we are the weird we are the different and we deserve love, happiness, and joy . just as much as any other humans. Through 8211 again, it doesn8217t matter which 8211 ignorance, or malice, some of the dreams of some our tribe were stolen a little while ago, and the smartest, sanest thing for us to all do is to guard our dreams now, to dream less, to dream more privately and more quietly, lest our dreams be stolen again. Fuck that on the multicolored horn of the unicorn I rode in on, friend. We8217re going to dream bigger . we8217re going to dream more . and, O dearly beloved, I will try to get an extra hour in the ballpit for every member of all of our tribes if I need to build a Ballpit Factory out of Legos and Minecraft materials, and make the goddamn balls myself . We will dream great things, and if we want to, we will damn well dream them in ballpits . Yours in service, Two girls dressed in the style of steampunk with arms. 2018 set records for heat, electoral disparity, deaths of beloved icons and, of course, the all-time galactic record for Most Super Incredibly Crappy Collection Of 365 Days Stacked In A Row. Ah, but 2017. You will own 2017. We have seen how ugly our politics can get now we have a chance, an understanding, and a reason to fight back. We have seen how, as must happen, the heroes of our youth pass away, and I am not the first to say simply: Now we need to become the icons of tomorrow. We need to dream big things, and make them real. The past months have terrified us, broken our hearts, broken our peace. But they have not broken our pride. They have not broken our strength. And they have not broken our knowledge that we are who and what we are, and we deserve to be those things, freely and safely . And we are inbued with the knowledge of what we must do: We can, and if need be, we will die, or kill, to protect those things . 2018 was a thousand knives in the back, a thousand warningless rabit-punches, was the pain principle triumphant over the pleasure principle. We were divided, anhedonic, shellshocked, stopped. And now we8217re ready. We8217re ready to create a more just and safe world 8211 not just in word, but in deeds. We8217re ready to work to create a place where we can be our true selves, in safety and without fear. We are ready to create the technology, the music, the art, the ways of thinking and the ways of seeing the world, which will inspire us, a legacy in which we can take true pride when we pass it on to the next generation. We8217re ready for you, 2017 . And we8217re hurtling towards you at breakneck speed. And you already belong to us . Come walk through a Dark haven and meet a veritifable feast of creators, developers, designers, and curators of Dark, Gothic, Strange, and Unusual Art, Fashion, Items and Treasures of every sort, Kink amp Alternative tools and toys, Games, and other works of the mind made real by your talented and creative kindred. For all the weirdos, freaks and independent thinkers who are drawn to the darkside, we welcome you For 3 Days we take over the beautiful Radisson Hotel in Piscateway, NJ and provide you with an escape to socialize, make new friends and create new experiences. Attend talks, panels, and QampA sessions on many subjects near and dear to your heart, interspersed with some burlesque, some talented musicians, and some fire and sideshow performers. Every night of the Con: DJ party by VampireFreaks, the longtime producers of Cybertron, Triton Festival, and other industrial darkwave delights. Pool party Ball Pit Movies Surprises But most of all: Come be part of the only Gathering of its kind on the East Coast Early Bird Special Weekend Tickets for only 25 Call the Radisson today at 732-980-0400 to get your rooms, and don8217t forget to reserve your tickets. Ask for the special discounted room rate 8211 8216dark side of the con8217. Only 115 per day per room 8211 these rooms will sell out fast So when I was 24, someone suggested to me that I was bipolar, and I thought that was ridiculous. I just thought he was trying to get out of treating me. But he was also responding to the chaotic nature of my life. As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. How long And what do I do with the time I8217ve got left Let me tell you a thing: Sure, 2018 was an awful year, and I can8217t wait to see it hurled into the Void. But 2018 is not stealing your childhood. People die. Wonderful, life - inspiring, world-changing people die. This is a part of life. We can8217t change that. We can wish all we want that it took longer we can, and should, mourn the irreplaceable, gifted human beings who will no longer dazzle and transform our lives. But we do not honor them by acting as though they should have been immortal beings or Gods. Hell, maybe they were gods, and, if so, they did what Gods do if they love humankind: The walked among us, here on Earth, were a part of our societies and world, made change, not on some faraway Olympian, but right here, with us. They gave us the gift of the fires of inspiration, and then, like all fire-givers, they had to leave us. But the fire still burns. And we will keep it burning always. And we owe them forever for what they8217ve given us, but we need to repay them as humans have, for millennia, when those we love, those we honor, those who bettered our lives 8211 are gone: We go on. We take the fires they gave us, and light them atop every mountain we make beacons of our minds and hearts and call out to the Universe: One of us dies But the rest are still here, and we will do great things No-one can replace the people we have lost they8217re unique. But we all carry, within is, the sparks to set something new aflame, to create and build ind shape and even re-think the world through their examples. No year, not even one as evil as 2018, can take that from us. Stop cursing the old year. Don8217t wait for the new year. Go forth, and Light. Que. Flame . Busking is an ancient and honorable profession. If you8217d like a good historic view, have a look at this origin story, collated by the Montreal Buskers. But in its simplest definition, busking is the challenging art of performing for tips. Like many semi-professional performance situations, this can range from the spectacular to the terrible. In my 30 years as a working musician, I8217ve busked in all manner of places and had all manner of results. When I was fourteen, I played in an Irish bar, with the terrible songs a 14-year-old writes. A kindly old Irishman asked me if I knew any Irish songs, and I had to admit that all I knew where the eight songs I8217d written since picking up the guitar at 13. The man smiled and threw a hefty tip into my guitar case. 8220You should learn some,8221 he said. I8217ve busked for food money on cold streets, and that8217s really sucked. I8217ve busked in places which were clearly just exploiting free labor with the promise of tip money that nobody was going to give. I8217ve busked in places where I couldn8217t even afford a ticket . and had the chance, not just to see the event, but be a part of it, make friends, and fill up my guitar case coin of the realm. Let8217s face it: The performance realm requires a lot of 8220paying dues8221. Some of that is putting in the time and energy to master a craft, proving that you have an audience and can hold that audience, and showing that you8217d be an asset to the show. Sometimes that means going without sleep, sometimes that means working a full-time job and then practicing your craft at night as a second full-time job. 8220Busking8221, like 8220playing for exposure8221, can easily create a situation that8217s exploitative 8211 if the promoter views you as free labor and doesn8217t care about what kind of experience you have, doesn8217t talk to you honestly about what you can expect, makes grandiose promises which aren8217t based in reality. On the other hand, it can also be a very sincere door. I know a lot of performers who now perform full-time and command good appearance fees8230 who started out by saying, 8220You don8217t know me 8211 can I come in and play for tips, and prove myself8221 Choose your busking experience carefully. Here8217s a really good tip: See what shows have buskers who want to come back next year . That8217s a pretty strong rubric. For me, I love busking I love testing my skills and my ability to catch and hold an audience, I love getting into doors which might otherwise be closed, finding a way into peoples8217 hearts, going out and doing the hard work of reaching an audience, and being rewarded with their pleasure, their interest, and, yes, their modest financial contributions. It gets me passionate, it gets me excited, and I do some of my best performance that way. Busking may or may not be for you. Think about what you want think about where you can realistically expect to get in at this stage in your career, and what they might offer you think of what will make you happy and advance your career and ask all the questions you need in order to feel comfortable before coming in. The same thing applies to any performing situation, really, whether it8217s doing a friend8217s Bar Mitzvah for free (don8217t do that it8217s such an awful gig) 8211 to doing a show at DragonCon (which is the world8217s largest fantasySF convention, and has a strict policy wherein they claim not to pay anyone ). If you8217d like to busk at Glimmerdark, our peculiar Fairy festival. you8217re more than cordially invited to do so. You can get to the busking application right over at glimmerdarkbusking-application-open . You don8217t have to be mad, a vampire, or someone who likes wearing all black to attend. You just need to be someone who8217d like to spend a weekend away from 8220normal8221 people. Some people have been asking why we teamed up with VampireFreaks to make a new Gothic event they pointed out that 8220Goth is dead8221. My first response is that if someone thinks it8217s dead, I want to see the certificate and the autopsy. Not because I don8217t believe you, but because those things are damn cool. Also, as H. P. Lovecraft said, 8220That is not dead which can eternal lie And with strange aeons, even people dressed like Death might object to paying 12 for a Coke at a club8221. Goths, dark souls, alternative people, those who have no interest in being like everyone else: Rise up We8217ve built you a home Come out and enjoy it The only way to create a gathering with meaning is for us to shake off the worries and cliches of time and day jobs and get ourselves in gear and make our presences known Come find us this March. We8217ll be waiting for you: Dark Side Of The Con. with Voltaire . In addition to this awesome Steampunk World8217s Fair Darth Vader by Babs Who Takes Pictures, you8217ll find some great music in this article If you like Steampunk music, you might enjoy this This is the opening song to what was, at the time, perhaps the world8217s first Rock Opera (It8217s either that, or Paul Shaper8217s Dolls of New Albion. which is available for free listening at that link there.) You can hear a brilliant version by Shakira S, who recently played the role in the show8217s revival at this past Steampunk World8217s Fair. Here8217s Shakira8217s version of 8220Tale of Wonder8221 8211 and the lyrics are below. This is a tale of wonder, Worlds asunder Games the Gods Play with men Darkling calling Thoughts appalling One who fell, falling again Hope and cunning Actions stunning Heroic souls, and pure Recriminations, Explanations Which thoroughly fail to reassure Of dark ambition Sweet perdition And doom to avert Villains sneering Heroes nearing Full exhaustion yet alert Moral peril Humans feral With the aftertaste of sin Soul-benders Sweet surrenders Tingling on your tongue and skin Intoxication Degradation And an opiate most dear Ancient menace Meets modern chemist In a place of cog and gear New age borning Rose-and-thorning New chances and new fears Must now guide it Get inside it Do it right, or fail for years Science learning, Coal a-burning Futures turning sweet and bright Science dreaming Smoking, steaming And a mind oddly alight So our offers Deep-filled coffers Full of adventure high Draw you nearer See it clearer Whatevers coming It is nigh 8220A Full Head Of Tea8221 8211 by Babs Wh o Takes Pictures Steampunk is unlike any other genre in that no single voice or authority gets to make the rules. That gives you tremendous freedom. There was a brief time when some Steampunks thought you had to be fancy and standoffish. That was years ago, and those people pretty much all stopped hanging out with us. Now, you can just come and have fun Here are some bits of things I8217ve learned after seven years of running the world8217s largest Steampunk event: Don8217t worry about dressing up too much 8211 unless you want to Steampunk is, above all things, friendly, welcoming, and accepting. While most people enjoy wearing more Steampunish gear or garb, you aren8217t required to (unless it8217s a formal ball or something, but personally, I8217ve never attended a Steampunk event with a dress code, and I don8217t think I8217d want to.) And it8217s okay if you make your own, if it8217s not professional, if it8217s simple. It8217s also okay if you got it at Hot Topic. We love to admire what you wear, but we care a LOT more about YOU than about what you wear. Be friendly That doesn8217t mean you have to be super social 8211 it8217s fine to be shy. But in Steampunk, everyone, from the biggest names down to the newest fans, is an equal. We hang out, we drink tea together, we have good times. Do patronize Steampunk artists and creators, if you can afford it. I can8217t think of anyone who makes a ton of cash doing Steampunk we do it because we love it. Help encourage more Steampunk creation 8211 if you choose to spend money on stuff, consider buying it from people who make Steampunk art, clothing, music, gadgets, or entertainment. Bigotry, hatred, and intolerance were normal in the actual Victorian era. They have NO place in Steampunk. If you like Steampunk, invite a friend to try it. Remember, Steampunk is NOT some tiny secret club which is only fun because nobody knows about it. Due to the massive scope of Steampunk as a cultural force, it8217s an entire world. More people just means that we discover new things about Steampunk every single day Just follow Steampunk Tendencies. or check out just a few of the Steampunk bands out there, and you8217ll see what I mean. Steampunk is like anything else 8211 what you get out of it depends on what you get into it. Come in with an open mind and heart, ready to have a good time and try new things, and you8217re in for an incredible locomotive ride After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthur8217s mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shell-shocked fragments the previous day had left him with. He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. The way it functioned was very interesting. When the Drink button was pressed it made an instant but highly detailed examination of the subject8217s taste buds, a spectroscopic analysis of the subject8217s metabolism and then sent tiny experimental signals down the neural pathways to the taste centers of the subject8217s brain to see what was likely to go down well. However, no one knew quite why it did this because it invariably delivered a cupful of liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. How To Make Steampunk Tea: Try to boil water. Realize that it8217s the 19th century and the water isn8217t safe, even if you boil it. Time-travel to the 21st century. Realize that most tea comes in little teabags. Cry forever. And I don8217t mean that in the sense of unthinking compliment. I don8217t mean it as cheering. I mean it as simple truth. In almost every space where you might question whether or not you8217re 8220enough8221, the question defines you. If you8217re thinking about it, if you8217re considering it, if you8217re putting out the effort of thought, then you almost certainly are . Unless it8217s a contest, your first and best judge is yourself. If it8217s a contest 8211 then test yourself There are a few times when that question might go to others 8211 if someone8217s creating a safe space. for example, for some specific piece of identity. But even then 8211 most of the time, you are still the best first judge. It might be a good idea to ask the space organizers if your identity fits their ideas on identity. But that8217s not necessarily because you might not be 8220enough8221 8211 that8217s because creating any space involves a number of decisions, and they might not align wholly with who and what you are. That8217s still not on you 8211 and again, if you have the politeness to ask . you8217re still showing qualities which would make most spaces into better ones. It8217s the ones whose confidence is automatic and not based in life experience, it8217s the ones whose assumption is that they8217re always a perfect fit, who give me pause. Not because they8217re necessarily bad, and not because they8217re necessarily wrong, but because not considering that you might be wrong is a danger and luxury. It relies, at the very best, on other people telling you when you are wrong 8211 and not everyone is willing to do that. Are you 8220enough8221 You are more than enough . You are a multitude of enough. 8220The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.8221 - Dante Alighieri Note: This is very much not directed at any particular group or organization. And I know 8211 trust me, I know 8211 a thousand counter-arguments to what I8217m saying. I know them because we8217ve debated them ourselves, for years. So I8217m not telling anyone what to do, or telling them that they8217re wrong. But I8217m telling them what is right or wrong for me. In short: I can, and do, speak only for myself, and for Jeff Mach Events. I wouldn8217t presume to tell other event organizers what to do, but I8217ll tell you what we do: Whenever possible, we make a damn decision, and we act on it. Do we act perfectly Friend, I8217m not even necessarily sure if we act well . I think we do. We work hard to do so. But realistically, we8217re dealing things with which the criminal justice system is, at best, unequipped to handle 8211 and at worst, downright shitty. We have tremendously varied levels of information. We have an incredible (and unfortunate) variety of situations. It8217s really hard to make the 8220right8221 decision, assuming that such a thing even exists . Can I admit something We don8217t ban a ton of people. But we8217ve banned enough people that my heart8217s broken over it 8211 because I love this world, and I love this community, and even if we were hugely wrong, even if 75 of our bans were unjust (and, sadly, I don8217t believe that8217s the case) 8211 the other 25 would still make me feel sick. The other day, I found out that someone I like and trust did a major fucked up thing, and my response was just to break out in tears in the middle of a crowded restaurant. I8217d like to get away from it, just take a few months and say, 8220Okay, other people on the team should judge these bans8221. But I8217m not going to. My name is on these events, and every ban is a serious and major thing. I can get help 8211 I have wonderful help I8217m not necessarily the main decision maker in these cases 8211 but I can8217t abandon it. And I8217m lucky, of course 8211 my major experience with consent violations is trying to assess them. I have not had my consent violated in decades. My role is the easy one. Are our systems perfect Far from it. Do we know the best way to do these things No-one I8217ve run into does. Are these things necessary for us Yes, they are. We are not a volunteer-run organization. We don8217t elect our officials. Jeff Mach events is owned by a person named Jeff Mach, and he is responsible for the consequences of this company8217s actions8230or inactions. I do this for a living I pay my own salary, and that of my employees, by running events. If we, as people who organize actual events, who create spaces for the community to interact and do so to earn our daily bread 8211 if we refuse to interact with the problems in the scene, then who will Photo by Babs Who Takes Pictures, from The Steampunk World8217s Fair 2018 We get a lot of new people at The Steampunk World8217s Fair, and we like it. Rennies, Goths, geeks, convention-goers, historians and anyone who loves imaginative worlds 8211 they all come to us for their first Steampunk experience, and we8217re honored. How do you do Steampunk 8220right8221 What are the rules Secret: There aren8217t any Oh, sure, if you show up as Gandalf or Captain Jack Sparrow, with no Steampunk elements, nothing fanciful, nothing 19th century, people will be sad. But if you take some form of alternative 19th-century history, interpreted YOUR way, nobody can criticize. Author GD Falksen once famously said 8220Steampunk is Victorian Science Fiction8221. Let8217s be honest: he8217s a Victorian science fiction writer . Of course he wants to see Steampunk that way. No offense, but Steampunk is much bigger. DO: Play around Have fun Be creative, and don8217t be afraid DON8217T: Let anyone tell you 8220You8217re doing it wrong.8221 DO: Try new things. Be creative if you want. But also, if you want to show up in a t-shirt and just get a feel for what8217s going on, that8217s okay. DON8217T: Fall into the trap of thinking the most elaborate, the most historically-detailed, the most 8220accurate8221 Steampunk is real. Nobody owns Steampunk. Nobody can tell you what to do. DO: Accept everyone and welcome them as comrades DON8217T: Discriminate on race, creed, gender, or even level of experience. We8217re past that. Get the theme It8217s this: Nobody owns Steampunk. Take something vaguely from around the 19th century and have fun with it. That is ALL you need to do to. You can always do more 8211 but you Do. Not. Ter. Para. Just go out and enjoy yourself. Be a Steampunk Fairy. Be a Dark Victorian. Be a Steampunk Goth. Be of whatever race, gender, sexual preference, or other attributes which fit you NONE ARE WRONG We whatever you want to be. Come to Steampunk, find us, and have a home. The Steampunk World8217s Fair is dedicated to radical inclusivity in Stemapunk. We8217re also the world8217s largest Steampunk event. Coincidence ABSOLUTELY NOT. Create a safe home for people, and you create a place that8217s ripe for all the creativity and joy Steampunk can muster. We do Fairy Things. We do Goth Things. We do adult-only things. too. And they all have one thing in common: ALL ARE WELCOME. Come be whoever and whatever you want to be. We8217d love to welcome you. Join us Join us and to keep me writing: 8220The world always seems brighter when you8217ve just made something that wasn8217t there before.8221 - Neil Gaiman So I run events for a living. But I don8217t call myself an event organizer I call myself a Playground Builder. And here8217s why: My younger brother is developmentally disabled. He8217s 35 now, but his mental age is somewhere in the 2-4ish range. (I can tell you: My brother was a 30-year-old My Little Pony fan way before it was cool.) And Louis loves the things kids love. Trick or treating. Toy stores. Playgrounds. It was the playgrounds which taught me the best lesson, and I8217d like to share it with you. Louis is a kid. That8217s how he acts, that8217s how he sees himself. He8217s not big for his age 8211 something arrested his physical growth as well as his mental acuity 8211 but he8217s easily twice the size of the people he perceives as his 8220age8221. And he really doesn8217t speak as well as someone who is three or four he8217s got unusual verbal tics and mannerisms. This is the thing: The worst playground in the world is the one where kids turn away from him, won8217t respond when he talks to him, or, hardest of all, laugh. The best playground in the world is the one where a person, usually so small in comparison that they need to reach way way up to do it, takes him by the hand and leads him over to come and play. In other words, the playground matters very little8230compared to the players. I don8217t build physical playgrounds I build events. And if you want to try to have a great event, I believe you should try to have events which encourage wonderful people. And don8217t be afraid of seeming corny or silly 8211 sure 8220wonderful people8221 sounds more like a description for a kid8217s show than a kink event. I don8217t care the phrasing works. Praise kindness and model it in your own actions. Value respect. Fight for safety even when it8217s very hard to know how to make a space 8220safe8221. Discourage hateful people. Turn down their money urge them to take their business elsewhere. Let me give you, then, my big secret, the formula, the recipe for a great event: 1. Attract amazing people and try to treat them well. 2. That8217s it. Do you happen to know a song called 8220Werewolves of London8221 It8217s by a fellow named Warren Zevon, now deceased. There are two things I think about, when Warren comes to mind: For a number of reasons, he8217s my favorite recording artist (and his musical performances were some of the best I8217ve seen. That8217s saying a lot, as, when you run The Steampunk World8217s Fair, you see a tremendous amount of live music throughout the year. But there8217s something about Warren8217s dark, funny, moving, sweet, sharp-edged lyrics which really gets to me, and I admire his range his career spanned all the way from country to hard rock to cyberpunk to singer-songwriter. There is a man who REALLY REALLY REALLY hated singing 8220Werewolves of London8221. See, 8220Werewolves of London 8221 was Warren8217s hit song it happened near the beginning of his career 8211 after he8217d had enough failure and rejection to really appreciate having some success. It brought him to Letterman (and he and David Letterman became friends he was later on several times, and featured Mr. Letterman in one of his songs). It took hi m out on tour with a great band. And it launched8230 8230what you might pretty much see as a career that declined from that on. Declined financially, I mean artistically, he did incredible, incredible things over the next two decades. But they just didn8217t get noticed. He still wrote a lot of very quirky, offbeat songs, just because that8217s what he did. But reviews (and oh, I read a lot of his reviews, in actual newspapers and magazines, pawing through the pages to hear what they thought of Warren8217s new album 8211 the reviews all said: -8220It8217s a good album, but he8217s trying too hard to have another 8216Werewolves of London8221 -8220It8217s a good album, but there8217s no 8220Werewolves of London8221 here. After Warren8217s death, his executors made a lot of live recordings (bootlegs) available over at archive. org. and I do, of course, own all of his albums (8220fan8221 is still short for 8220fanatic8221 of all the slang terms I8217ve heard in my life, that one8217s never changed). I8217ve heard Warren sing Werewolves many times. There8217s that crisp, sharp, punchy delivery when it first came out on album. Then there8217s the roaring rock-band wall of sounds on the live album, with strut and cheeky messing with the words. And then8230 8230.then, I have about two decades of Warren not wanting to sing this damn song anymore. Y ou can hear it in his voice. And he was an ironic person, he8217d say, 8220And now, it8217s that time I8217ve been looking forward to ever since my last drink8221, or 8220I think you know what happens now8221. Never disrespectful to the audience, but the bitterness is visible, and while his playing is meticulously, technically correct, and he8217s carefully on-key8230 there8217s no joking around, as there often was with other old songs that made it into his 90s sets. Warren Zevon worked with Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Dave Gilmour, George Clinton. One of his songs became a hit for Linda Rondstadt. He8217s one of few rock musicians who made coherent Cyberpunk concept album, 8220Transverse City8221. And all most people wanted was that 8220Aoooooo8221 song. He still makes it onto classic rock stations, and sometimes into 8220thousand greatest song8221 countdowns. Sometimes, his other songs will make an appearance 8211 if the DJ is feeling very, very puckish, or if it8217s Two for Tuesday. I was a kid in my twenties, watching an artist in his late 40s desperately, desperately trying to escape his one-hit past through making great art. In 2002, Warren was diagnosed with throat cancer citing his lifelong fear of physicians, he wryly said, 82208221I might have made a tactical error in not going to a physician for 20 years.8221 Rather than have his voice incapacitated by treatments whose prognosis was dicey, he recorded a final album. 8220The Wind8221. It8217s a great album. It never enjoyed commercial success, but the music8217s original, strong as anything, and runs a range from gently poignant to raucous. Still, as I listen to it again, I can8217t help but be struck that here was a man who died doing what he loved, and died throwing himself into his work 8211 but I8217m not sure if he died happy. I8217m not sure that he ever got out from under that one hit which defined him to the majority of the world. As I look at what I could create and do in the world, I think of Warren often. I want to do something that people remember, something which endures after my death. But I also don8217t want to be remembered for just one thing, or just one piece. I8217d like to do a lot of memorable things. I8217d love to create a lot of great art. I don8217t know if I have it in me, or, if I do, if I8217ll be able to show that message to other people. But I know I8217m going to make an attempt. I8217m going to slay the werewolf. Or I8217m going to die trying. Oh, good heavens. Magnetic Why, of all things, must I be magnetic 8220He was turned to steel In the great magnetic field When he traveled time For the future of Mankind.8221 Gilbert amp Sullivan The very worst of it all is that I8217m not some sort of ordinary figure of magnetism, attracting various metallic substances. I could see that being quite useful I would seldom drop my shillings when hailing a cab, ironmongers would pay me protection money to avoid their shops, and I should never lose a game of jacks. But no I had to be a freak magnet. Here I am, visiting the future. 8220Thank goodness8221, I thought to myself, 8220I8217ll be amongst sane, rational people of a wiser age. The world shall make sense. No doubt we8217ll finally have figured out how to harness the moon for its natural cheese resources, and we8217ll end barbaric practices like drinking, or dancing in public.8221 But no. No I appear to have appeared within a crowd of Steampunks . I haven8217t any idea what a STEAMPUNK is, and yet, they take me for one of their own Their top-hats are peculiarly large or small they all have the most dubious pocketwatches I have ever seen and I am distinctly aware that not all of them might be adult, male, and subjects of the Queen. Who knows what horrors await Still, until my time machine can be re-fueled, I8217m stuck. Fortunately, it runs entirely on phlogiston, so that oughtn8217t be hard to find. Until then, some of these 8220Steampunks8221 have promised to introduce me to something called 8220Absinthe8221. They say it contains herbs and, as such, I am certain it will have healthful medicinal properties 8211 so what could possibly go wrong Steampunk8217s strength is the fact that it comes from the people, that anyone can make Steampunk, that all of us can help create what Steampunk is and can be. And Steampunk8217s weakness is that if you devote a business to it, if you devote a large chunk of your life to it, you might not succeed. Steampunk8217s not Disneyland or Action Park or the California Renaissance Faire or some other major attraction, with million-dollar budgets and international fame. It8217s this ever-expanding, but still small and fragile, universe, and we are building it piece by piece, step by step. And sometimes, the steps are too high. We remember Steamcon. the world8217s second-largest Steampunk festival. It was an event beloved by all 8211 and it ended 41,000 in debt (see the article for details). We remember events you might or might not have seen 8211 The Greater New England Steampunk Festival, for example. Frozen In Time. Steampunk Gettysburg. If you love Steampunk, remember: you need to support it to keep it alive. You don8217t necessarily need to support our event that8217s not why we8217re writing this. We8217re writing this to remind you that you need to support SOME kind of Steampunk if you want Steampunk to continue to survive. Goodbye, Steampunk Unlimited. We will miss you. Were you around for all the years people kept saying 8220Steampunk is when Goths discover brown8221 It8217s not true. But I see where they get that from. It seems clear that, whether or not Goth lead to Steampunk, Steampunk wouldn8217t exist as it does without Goth. Goth was one of the first cultures to say, 8220We8217re creating this world of imagination, and we want others to share it with us8221. When I went to Goth clubs in the 80s and 90s, it was clear that they were trying to make an atmosphere, a world, which was shared by all the inhabitants. Sure, we knew we weren8217t vampires, we knew we weren8217t 19th-century poets, and we knew that clove cigarettes tasted terrible. I8217m pretty excited to take all of the knowledge from The Steampunk World8217s Fair and our Wicked Faire and put it towards Dark Side Of The Con. an event collaboration between Jeff Mach Events and VampireFreaks. It8217s going to be an amazing event. You should go. OMG YOU GUYS it has come to my attention that SOMEONE on the internet is saying that my fictional 19th century zombies are NOT SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND. Naturally, I am crushed. To think, IF ONLY Id consulted with a zombologist or two before sitting down to write, I couldve avoided ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT. Cherie Priest Why go to conventions Because they8217re your highest percentage move for surviving the Zombie Apocalypse I mean, 8220fun8221 Who believes in 8220fun8221 Friendship, companionship, being with people like you, having a chance to be yourself Nahhh. Those aren8217t real reasons. The real reasons are strategic: to spend as much time as possible somewhere relatively immune to attacks by the living dead. Military bases don8217t count, since our brave military will be fully engaged tackling the first lines of the combat, and we salute them for it. Secret government installations Hell no. Where do you think the Zombie plague came from in the first place Shopping malls Not anymore. Too many people saw 8220Dawn of the Dead8221 before their surcease and untimely resurrection. They8217ll know to swarm in via the Hot Topic entrance that employees propped open so they could smoke cloves. No way, Jim. I want to be at a convention: a place where they8217re potentially selling swords, chainmail, and handbooks for surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. I want to be surrounded by gamers and other tactical thinkers. And, hell, I remember my last office job much too well. If I the Zombie Apocalypse happened in that dead, boring little space, I8217m not sure anyone would even notice . The world is still a weird place, despite my efforts to make clear and perfect sense of it. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson People from all sides of the political spectrum have, as late, asked us to take ourselves a little more seriously. And these are what Dr. Thompson would call Serious Times. But to some extent, I know this: We are Steampunks, and we are dedicated to the power of frivolity. The world needs big things. It needs Solutions. It needs Health and Prosperity and Safety and Freedom. But the world needs this thing, too: The world needs Frivolity. The world needs the ridiculous. The world needs the ability to laugh, to imagine, to take flights of fancy from here to the hottest night spots of Neverland. We don8217t recommend escapism. Imagination, humor, and laughter are not ways of hiding from the Real World they are ways of altering how you deal with The Real World, and how it deals with you. That is a power as great as any known to Science or Magic, and by Thunder, we WILL use the power of the eccentric, the unusual, the bizarre, and the peculiar to create a little joy wherever and whenever we can After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one8217s own relatives. We8217ll be expounding on this in later missives, but for now, we try to be guided by that primary rule: What would Oscar Wilde do Regardless of your circumstances or convictions, it8217s certain what Mr. Wilde would do, when confronted with a Thanksgiving feast, and the peculiar spectre of relatives: He would raise his spirits, raise a glass, and raise a little Hades. He would eat, drink, and be merry, and to Mercury with worry, fear, and regret I don8217t know about you, but this holiday season, I will follow his example, at least when at the table. Away from the table, there8217s a whole world to conquer. But at the table, conquer as Oscar would: with wit, with charm, and, failing that, with an invariant eye towards making sure that the very best things on the table didn8217t go to waste. When we created Glimmerdark. we were thinking about this: Then there is the witches8217 explanation, which comes in two forms, depending on the age of the witch. Older witches hardly put words to it at all, but may suspect in their hearts that the universe really doesn8217t know what the hell is going on and consists of a zillion trillion billion possibilities, and could become any one of them if a trained mind rigid with quantum certainty was inserted into the crack and twisted that, if you really had to make someone8217s hat explode, all you needed to do was twist into that universe where a large number of hat molecules all decide at the same time to bounce off in different directions. Younger witches, on the other hand, talk about it all the time and believe it involves crystals, mystic forces, and dancing about without yer drawers on. Everyone may be right, all at the same time. That8217s the thing about quantum. Terry Pratchett, 8220Lords and Ladies8221 What is it that we love about Steampunk You can take it anywhere you want you can have a Steampunk House or you can just show up in a t-shirt, and what8217s even better is that those two people are perfectly likely to step up to the bar at one of our events and share a beer. It8217s not a competition it8217s building a world, and you can go big or go small. Nobody can tell you that your Steampunk is right or wrong nobody owns Steampunk . And this is the secret: Nobody owns magic . either. Nobody owns Fairyland. We can do with it what we want, we can make it what we want. I8217d say that we8217re only limited by our imagination, but that8217s not true we are far more limitless than any individual imagination . Steampunk8217s death has been predicted time and time again, and it8217s never died, and that8217s not because it has some message more enduring than Disco or pet rocks or Napster. It8217s because nobody can say, 8220That8217s not Steampunk stop it8221 People all over the world create more Steampunk things every day, and it just makes the Steampunk universe bigger. We wanted to play with another world that big. And we honestly wanted one that had even fewer rules, so that if we wanted to, we could ABSOLUTELY wear our Steampunk gear 8211 or our pirate stuff, our Gothic garb, our geek attire, our khakis. That was the birth of Glimmerdark. If you8217ve enjoyed The Steampunk World8217s Fair or other Jeff Mach Events. come to Jeff Mach8217s Glimmerdark. We8217ll bring the magic. You bring the steam-cannons. Are you searching for a Steampunk holiday gift If so, might we humbly suggest that Steampunk World8217s Fair tickets are pretty darn splendid There8217s more We8217ll help your gift stand out Just buy your tickets, and then print out one of these designs by Egregore 8211 The Art and Design of Aristotle Pramagioulis. You8217ll be able to give your friends and loved ones a really, really amazing card to accompany your tickets. Just get your tickets at steampunkworldsfairtickets. then print out the image of your choice, and voila You8217ve got a holiday gift fit for royalty Click on the images to view a larger, full-size version. I am a misfit born of misfits. And I don8217t speak for all misfits8230but I offer this Thanksgiving blessing to all who need it 8211 To those whose families love but do not respect them: May you be able to return that love, but may your loving heart stop seeking an acceptance that is deserved, but doesn8217t exist. For those who must hide essential parts of their lives from those who we were told would always love us, no matter what: May you recognize that blood is genetics, not an unconditional bond, and if parts of you are secret, you are not to blame. And for everyone about to sit around a table with kin who are sometimes far worse than strangers, may you know this: Your birth family is what you were given, for good or ill. But we, your chosen family, we love you and care about you for who and what you really are . If Thanksgiving is hard, then I hope you can remember that your real family is always with you. Be strong because we, all those of us who do not quite fit, need every jot of strength we can find today. And be comforted in the knowledge that we, in turn, know you are there for us. And we will get through this together. I would hate to be taken seriously. Serious people are always so grim and uptight that they make me want to dance naked on the lawn playing a flute. Robert Anton Wilson Have you ever been to an event the night before it starts, the night before registration8217s set up, the night before everything in place There was a time in my life when I only ran two events a year, instead of the seven or either I run now. My events tend to start on Fridays, and I always wondered about the odd magic in the air on Thursday night, even when nothing was happening. The truth is, the night before a convention is a very special time. For one thing, it8217s difficult to fully mask the sound of the power tools and the ionic phase shift generators, even behind the subtly-loudened lobby music and that suspicious clatter from the supposedly-empty kitchen. It takes the hotel crew hours of backbacking labor to bend, twist, and chop down the walls, and partitions which protect the hotel from reality. It8217s necessary to unwarp-time, to let dimensional existence finally breathe out and release the other elsewhen dimensions, and then it can take hours to generate enough Tribbles to sop up the ether water from the bits of the Eighth Sea which manage to seep through. And hell, that8217s nothing compared to what they have to do to put all the barriers back and pretend that the 8220normal8221 world is actually reality on Sunday evening. Pretending the world is normal is a terrible, awful, miserable job, and I8217m glad I, for one, don8217t have to do it. Wed like to cordially invite you to THE GREAT STEAMPUNK TALENT SEARCH The Steampunk Worlds Fair, the worlds largest Steampunk festival, has helped some of the best-known performers in Steampunk get discovered. Now wed like to share the Steampunk joy. Were seeking the greatest undiscovered Steampunk talent in the world Were looking for any sort of Steampunk performer. band, artist, or creators. Well transport you to the show, give you meals and hotel accommodations for the weekend, and give you top billing, right up with our shows headliners, plus a thousand dollars All you need to do are: 1. Submit a programming application . Be sure to choose the Great Steampunk Talent Search option when you answer the application question Is there a specific section of programming youre interested in applying for 2. Send us a video of your performance It can be a professionally-produced video, or it can be a simple piece from your camera as long as we can get a clear idea of who you are and what you do. Send the video to email160protected with subject: SPWF Talent Search. 3. There will be one winner. The winner will be announced on February 1, 2017. And hey Do you know someone who should enter this talent search Please pass this info along Photo of Emperor Norton8217s Stationary Marching Band by the inimitable Babs Who Takes Pictures. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me 8220How do we get accepted to The Steampunk World8217s Fair8221, I8217d also have a lot of people also asking me, 8220Hey, where did you get all those dollars from8221 For us, the only way to get in is to go through the application process we get hundreds of applications, from all over the world, and if we didn8217t use a strict application process, we8217d lose track. There are just too many people applying for us to keep track of that information in email chains or phone conversations. That8217s why it still comes down to the application. Here are some tips that work with us, and a bit of our point of view. I hope you find this helpful Help us hear your best 8211 and most appropriate 8211 music or performance . It8217s amazing to me how often someone8217s application will say 8220You can just search for me on Youtube8221. Well, yes, and if we were looking at ten applications, that might make sense we8217d want to take time to go through your work, see what might seem to best represent you, play and measure those videos8230but we don8217t. Please, please help us help you 8211 direct us to the aspects of your work you would MOST like us to see, the parts you feel will best help a stranger understand your work quickly and appreciate its value, AND8230 Do make sure that we see why you8217re a good fit for a Steampunk event. Is your work clearly Steampunk Is it in some similar realm of imagination What makes you right for this show, and this show right for you Have good social media . When I was young, venues would ask, 8220Do you have a following8221, and they had to pretty much trust you if you said, 8220I sure do8221 (Of course, if you said you did, and then had a small turnout, you weren8217t likely to be invited back.) Social media is not the ONLY way we judge performers 8211 lots of great performers just plain hate social media andor aren8217t good at it 8211 but it8217s definitely going to be some indicator of your ability to bring in an audience. So if you can, it8217s worth time making some of your social media presence as strong as you can. Make sure we8217re a good fit for compensation on both sides . Realistically, the goal is for every performer to be happy with compensation, and for the event to be equally happy. We don8217t expect each group to pay for itself in terms of sheer attendance 8211 and, in fact, that8217s rather rare, for us. We8217re a festival people go for the combination of shows, not any one show, and people who DO attend just to see one performer are actually NOT our optimal guests. Because our event is a great deal if you want to see a lot of Steampunk. It8217s not a great deal if you want to see just one hour worth of programming during the weekend. You don8217t need to 8220look Steampunk8221, but if you don8217t, you need to give other reasons why you8217ll fit well. Billy Idol, in his song 8220100 Punks8221, said, 8220If you don8217t have the look, you8217ll never be one8221. That is NOT true But we ARE looking for people who8217ll connect with a Steampunk audience, and that audience often looks to see affirmation of their own look and style in yours. If you don8217t offer that direct connection, be sure you offer other kinds of connection. If you8217re accepted 8211 promote your appearance It8217s part of our job to support your appearance by letting people know about you. It8217s part of your job to support our show by letting people know about it. If you8217re part of our event, know that we WILL tell the world about you Please do return the favor 8211 that interaction is really important to having a longterm relationship with us. The Steampunk World8217s Fair 8211 8220Wonders Untold8221 We8217re not a Steampunk Convention, we8217re a rambunctious and irrepressible Steampunk Festival Whats the difference between a festival and a convention Well, wed actually like to quote an interview that one of our founders did with Dieselpunks. org: I actually had this discussion, over at BrassGoggles, about the difference between a Festival (as we are) and a Convention. Obviously, we have a lot of convention elements, and Steampunk conventions have elements which are a lot like our festival. But we feel theres this difference and Im quoting right from freedictionary 8211 a Festival is: a day or period set aside for celebration or feasting, esp one of religious significance any occasion for celebration, esp one which commemorates an anniversary or other significant event an organized series of special events and performances, usually in one place a festival of drama Archaic : a time of revelry merrymaking (modifier) relating to or characteristic of a festival If you would like to contrast it with convention and we love conventions formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry or The body of persons attending such an assembly. We were then asked: What will set the Steampunk Worlds Fair apart from other events Flat-out insane devotion to providing a sensory overload of entertainment Also, Legos. The Steampunk Worlds Fair is thoroughly dedicated to fun, inside and outside We see the exuberant creativity of Steampunk as a method of creating color, fascination and joy. basically, we throw one hell of a party, with some of the finest entertainers, creators, authors, artists, designers, builders, and imagineers in the world. And we want you to come along and celebrate with us (They said conventions, but meant events. It was early enough that people didnt really think of Steampunk in terms of festivals much, especially on this side of the pond.) Originally published December 7, 2018 Puck says: If you8217re attending Glimmerdark, our Faerie Festival, do listen You see, by November 15th, we8217re going to require that everyone who8217s in the Hyatt Regency either be a paid attendee, a volunteer, a vendor, a performer, or an attendee who emails email160protected asking for special dispensation to buy tickets at a later date. You can get tickets AND information at Glimmerdark There8217s 150 rooms out of 360 currently assigned to people who8217ve had them for over half a year and haven8217t bought tickets, and there are people who want to go who are making the decision to attend other events because they can8217t get rooms in the main hotel. I don8217t like doing this, but this is not fair and not okay. If you love Wicked and are worried this won8217t be an event you enjoy: Please drop your room and let people who DO want to attend have that room, and if you later decide you like this event, you may be able to get a room in the main hotel. Obrigado. It is important, in event planning, to try to pick an event date which does not conflict with other major events. This is often impossible there are just too many events out there, and peoples8217 definition of what a 8220local8221 event is can vary tremendously. If one person runs a Steampunk event in New Jersey, and another person runs a Steampunk event in a massive antigravity fortress circling Princeton in ominous, ever-widening circles, some might ask, 8220Are these events too close together8221 Though, admittedly, most people are too busy with the whole fleeing in terror thing to ask too many questions. I forget my point. Has anyone seen my cannon At any rate, try hard not to conflict with other major events. So try to avoid scheduling opposite: The storming of the Bastille The end of the world. Free Comic Book Day. Sea Monster Mardi Gras The day the music died The night of the living dead The long dark tea-time of the soul Arbor Day. Because, as Sarumon illustrates, you never, EVER want to piss off the Ents. With love from we folk of Jeff Mach Events. creators of The Steampunk World8217s Fair and Glimmerdark Faerie Festival. Sure, we think you should convince your friends to become Steampunk because of the limitless creativity and joy of the music, clothing, performers, art, literature, culture, and general magnificence of Steampunk itself But if that fails8230we recommend cheating. 8220Hey, do you know what would be fun for Halloween8221 you can say, innocently. 8220Steampunk Steampunk8217s this genre where you dress up like Victorians, but with goggles and gadgets. It8217ll let us wear really snappy Sherlock Holmes-style clothing, and other people will be really confused by all the gears, but they8217ll think it8217s amazing.8221 8220But what if other people don8217t understand what we8217re doing8221 This is what your friends will say. Trust me. I8217ve met your friends. 8220Don8217t worry8221, you can reply, confidence beaming out of every pore. 8220If they don8217t understand Steampunk, we8217ll just pretend we invented it. Then they8217ll think we8217re creative geniuses, and they may buy us drinks.8221 And what happens if you meet other Steampunks along the way Instant bonding . You8217ll make new friends, and considering that most Steampunks carry some sort of aetheric proton weapon, making friends with them is always a good idea. Besides, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is particularly Steampunk, and nobody knows where Willy Wonka really lives . There8217s always the chance that, when trick-or-treating, you8217ll knock on his door, and he8217ll give you a lifetime supply of free chocolate. And if a lifetime supply of free chocolate doesn8217t convince your friends to go be Steampunk with you, you need better friends. Jeff Mach patreonjeffmach Steampunk died about three years ago. Died deader than a gear-powered doornail, ended surely as the last page of a steamy Gothic novel. Steampunk died, and8211 That didn8217t stop it even for a minute . Steampunk8217s died more than a few times in the seven years I8217ve been involved with it. And it never takes. We haul Steampunk back on the slab, open the laboratory ceiling, and a thousand bolts of lightning bring it back to life, supercharged and better than ever. It8217s because nobody owns Steampunk. Nobody gets to give it one single permanent definition. Who creates Steampunk We all do . It8217s a world we share. The Steampunk World8217s Fair is the world8217s largest Steampunk event do we own Steampunk Absolutely not Does the biggest Facebook page own Steampunk The biggest band Not at all . The author who coined the term Steampunk, K. W. Jeter, has no bones at all in saying that he created the word, but creating the word doesn8217t give him ownership. You own Steampunk. I own Steampunk. We all create Steampunk, all of us, together, every day. And Steampunk will never die, not until everyone stops creating. And we8217re not going to do that, because Steampunk8217s infinite worlds are our home . Steampunk is yours . my friend Use it wisely Use it with joy We at JME want to do more than just run events. We want to build communities and support the businesses that make our communities strong. As I8217m sure you8217re aware, it can be difficult for shoppers looking to buy awesome steampunk wares to find reputable dealers for those wares outside of an event. If you are looking for a carpenter or a car dealership, there are all kinds of companies out there with ratings and directories, but trying to find a good leather worker You8217re on your own. Until now that is. We found one of those New York City tech start-ups that help average folks find roofers and party planners, and we used our aether-powered mind control ray to make them bend their system to do our bidding We are proud to present the Jeff Mach Events Marketplace powered by EZBZ . It uses an artificial intelligence based algorithm named Zoey to connect customers to businesses starting from a customer request made in plain English. We8217re planning on building a marketplace for high-quality steampunk, fantastical, and otherwise peculiar products As JME, and JME friendly, vendors sign up to be included in the JME marketplace, you8217ll be able to browse for them in the Jeff Mach Events EZBZ Marketplace. You can also use the EZBZ concierge service to look for goods and services, both steampunk and mundane. The concierge service uses plain English searches to connect you with businesses that meet your needs 8211 referencing the entire EZBZ database. As more As we grow the JME marketplace, the concierge service will get better and better at meeting your steampunk and other fantastical needs. Signing up as a vendor is absolutely free and no obligation. Just visit myezbzmarketplacejeffmacheventsjoin and complete your information. If you are a vendor at one of our events, we8217ll give you a featured listing in the Jeff Mach Events EZBZ Marketplace. All submissions are curated we do reserve the right to exclude a store that doesn8217t fit into this Marketplace. If a lead comes in that Zoey thinks is good for you, you8217ll be notified by email or text message. If you choose to reply to the potential customer, you will be charged a small fee (1-3), but you only pay for leads you want to reach out to. You can find out more about EZBZ on their website . Simply by signing up, you are helping us to educate Zoey as to what Steampunk is and how to best serve our community. The more vendors who join, the more useful the service will be Listen, my friend. If you take something that8217s got something to do with the 19th century, or thereabouts, and do something with it, I8217m going to be comfortable calling it Steampunk. Obviously, using a big, broad definition can give people an excuse to do cookie-cutter same-as-everybody-else stuff. I8217ll totally admit that. You can buy a few plastic gears at a hardware store, throw 8217em at a hat, and call it Steampunk. But it also means that we have a massive wealth of styles, ideas, locales, concepts, and geography to play with. We8217re not limited to Europe. We8217re not limited to H. G. Wells. We8217re not limited to EARTH. We8217ve got Tesla to Curie to Jack the Ripper to Lovelace to Challenger to Elizabeth Howlett. If we let Steampunk be defined big and far and wide, we8217ll get imitation, we8217ll get some mass-produced stuff, we8217ll get some people who just don8217t put any thought or effort into it, and yeah, that8217s a shame. But we8217ll also OPEN STEAMPUNK UP to the entire planet and let anyone creative, whimsical, and strange come play in our playground. Steampunk will either be mind-batteringly boring or world-challengingly enthralling BASED ON WHAT WE DO WITH IT It8217s up to US So tell me, mate. For you, what IS Steampunk Steampunk is fairly new, especially in its current incarnation. While K. W. Jeter invented the term in 1987, and some people have been doing Steampunk things for a long time, the Steampunk world we know 8211 the profusion of art, culture, music, conversation, literature, and delights we now enjoy 8211 has taken off within, at most, the last eight or ten years (edited to be a bit more accurate). Steampunk is still NEW. That means that everyone has a voice. We get to DECIDE what Steampunk will be. And those of us who are doing Steampunk have made it clear: We want to try to embrace everyone who wants to participate in our strange and wonderful world We want to enjoy everyone8217s imaginary Steampunk universes We welcome people of every race, creed, gender, background, and orientation. We want you to be a part of it The actual era included sexism, racism, and homophobia. The imaginary 19th century would like to remind you to keep those things out of the 21st century, please. Hate is not a Steampunk value What8217s the difference between a festival and a convention Well, we8217d actually like to quote an interview that one of our founders did with Dieselpunks. org : Emperor Norton8217s Stationary Marching Band at World8217s Fair I I actually had this discussion, over at BrassGoggles. about the difference between a 8220Festival8221 (as we are) and a 8220Convention.8221 Obviously, we have a lot of convention elements, and Steampunk conventions have elements which are a lot like our festival. But we feel there8217s this difference 8211 and I8217m quoting right from freedictionary : a day or period set aside for celebration or feasting, esp one of religious significance any occasion for celebration, esp one which commemorates an anniversary or other significant event an organized series of special events and performances, usually in one place a festival of drama Archaic a time of revelry merrymaking (modifier) relating to or characteristic of a festival If you would like to contrast it with 8220convention8221 8211 and we love conventions 8211 formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry. The body of persons attending such an assembly We were then asked: What will set the Steampunk World8217s Fair apart from other events Flat-out insane devotion to providing a sensory overload of entertainment. Also, Legos. The Steampunk World8217s Fair is thoroughly dedicated to fun, inside and outside We see the exuberant creativity of Steampunk as a method of creating color, fascination and joy. 8230basically, we throw one hell of a party, with some of the finest entertainers, creators, authors, artists, designers, builders, and imagineers in the world. And we want you to come along and celebrate with us (They said 8220conventions8221, but meant 8220events8221. It was early enough that people didn8217t really think of Steampunk in terms of 8220festivals8221 much, especially on this side of the pond.) Originally published December 7, 2018

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